2. Afrika Odyssey: a year-long journey in open boats from Cape to Cairo
3. Zambezi River Expedition: from mouth to source upstream in inflatable boats
4. Into the Heart of Darkness: a journey down the great Congo River
5. Rio Rovuma and the Lake of Stars: in the footsteps of Dr David Livingstone
6. Chuma & Susi Expedition: a tribute to the unsung heroes of African exploration
7. Zanzibar to Victoria-Nyanza Expedition in the footsteps of HM Stanley
8. Journey to the Jade Sea: Lake Turkana in the footsteps of Count Samuel Teleki
9. Zulu River Odyssey: Thukela River from source to mouth
10. Victoria-Nyanza: circumnavigation of Africa’s largest lake
11. The Rufiji River: a tribute to Frederick Courtenay Selous
12. Tropico de Capricornio Expedition: around the world by Land Rover
13. African Rainbow Expedition: a journey to the Somali border by traditional Arab dhow
14. Return of the Rainbow Expedition: from Somalia to Ilha de Mozambique
15. Africa’s Outside Edge: 449-day, 33-country odyssey to track the outline of Africa
16. Boundless Southern Africa: 10-country journey linking nature, culture and community
17. Cabo Verde Expedition to Africa’s Green Islands
18. 2010 United Against Malaria Expedition in celebration of the FIFA World Cup
19. The All-Afrika Expedition: to complete every country on the continent
20. Journey to Juba: celebrating the birth of the newest country on the planet
21. Africa’s Jewels in the Crown: exploration of Africa’s Indian Ocean Island States
22. The Great Rift Valley Expedition: from the Horn of Africa to Mozambique
23. In the footsteps of Joseph Thomson: tribute to Mashozi
24. Horn of Africa: exploration of Somalia and Somaliland
25. Izintaba Zobombo Expedition: a journey of support for endangered Rhinos
26. The ‘Ma Robert’ River of God Expedition: Zambezi River in the footsteps of David Livingstone
27. Sani Series I Expedition: Blood, Sweat & Gears through the Mountain Kingdom
28. Heart of Africa Expedition: a world-first odyssey to find the geographic centre of the continent
29. Chew Bahir Living Traditions: circumnavigation of Ethiopia’s dry salt ocean and ancient cultures
30. Lake Tanganyika Rite to Sight Expedition: by Land Rover and motorized dhow
31. Castles, Slaves, Voodoo and the Gates of No Return: expedition to West Africa
32. Extreme East Expedition to Ras Xaafun, Somalia: a dangerous journey to reach Africa’s most easterly point and complete the 7 ‘poles’ of Africa
33. Land Rover 70th Anniversary Zululand Expedition
34. Cape Town to Kathmandu Transcontinental Expedition: a world-first by Land Rover Discovery
35. Mozambique Flood Relief Expedition: a humanitarian journey to assist victims of Cyclone Idai around Gorongosa National Park
36. Zambezi Delta Vision Expedition: bringing the gift of sight, in partnership with Doctors for Life
37. Zambezi-Congo Expedition: east-to-west across Africa by Land Rover
38. Riding High On Sky: a journey through 125 mountain passes in 30 days
39. Mzansi Edge Expedition: tracking the outline of South Africa in 80 days – a Covid-19 humanitarian mission
40. Hot Cape to Cold Cape – New Defender Transcontinental Expedition: a 30-country, 35,000Km, 300-day transcontinental journey across Africa and Europe