Deadly disease
Since 2014, the Kingsley Holgate Foundation has provided malaria protection for nearly 500 000 people. Through humanitarian expeditions across Africa, the Foundation has helped spread malaria awareness and continued to save and improve lives in remote areas of the continent. Over the last three years, 49 153 anti-malaria nets have been handed out. These nets are treated with a human-friendly insecticide that lasts up to four years, and provide cover for up to three people.
Millions affected
Over the same period Land Rover and the Kingsley Holgate Foundation, through the Goodbye Malaria project, have applied Indoor Residual Spraying to homes, protecting more than 325 000 people from the malaria-carrying Anopheles mosquito.
Over the next three years, the Kingsley Holgate Foundation will triple its efforts to combat this disease that claims more than 400 000 lives each year. For 2017, 2018 and 2019 the Foundation will partner with Land Rover to reach 507 000 people per year – for a total of 1.52-million lives saved by the end of 2019. This will be achieved by handing out up to 19 000 mosquito nets and conducting Indoor Residual Spraying of homes to protect a further 450 000 people, each year.